Monday, October 3, 2011

Monday, Oct. 3 - arriving near the site of the ancient Olympic games

A pleasant ride today through the mtns and past a couple ski areas.  They are roughly at 5000-6000 feet.  Again we had a really hard time getting started on the right road near the CG.  We wanted to override the GPS which had us going on a back road through the mtns.  The GPS likes to take the shortest route to save a kilometer or two, sometimes at the expense of back roads and back alleys.  We had a thorough tour of the orange groves near our last CG. At least they weren't more ancient ruins!

above and below - This is the main highway.

We accomplished our goals for the day:  grocery store, ATM and fuel stop. The small towns generally don't have a bank or ATM;  I wonder how the people receive their salaries and pay their bills. Maybe the GPS alternative would have been just as good.

Flat Stanley had his head reattached yesterday with an ice cream stick and tape.  He will be back in action tomorrow when we visit the site of the ancient Olympic games.

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