Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Safe arrival and sightseeing marathon

Brandenburg gate today

Hallo!  We had safe, pleasant and uneventful flights to Berlin.  First stage of our triathalon was the Airport Dash, which we accomplished admirably, especially in Atlanta.  Our first plane was looking for an empty gate while our second plane was beginning to board.  We dashed over and sat down before they closed the doors.  Had a spot of difficulty figuring out the buses, subways in Berlin but managed to transport ourselves to our hotel and maneuver our suitcases on lots of stairs.  This was the second triathalon stage---the Luggage Lug.  We crashed briefly and then left to see Checkpoint Charlie, a short walk from our hotel.  Finallzy got a real meal on Tuesdaz night, the 4th since leaving home at 7 a.m. on Sundaz.  This is a European kezboard and thez´ve moved the Ys to the place of the Zs and vice versa.  The @ szmbol has been moved to the place of the Q and requires a STRG key and ALT to access.  Lots of other strange items too. ßßß €€€ ÜÜ µµµ öö ää ÄÄ 
             To the right: Checkpoint Charlie as it was in the 1980s

Todaz we began the Tourist Marathon with the walking tour that Edie recommended. We saw many sites in central Berlin--from the beginning dazs of Berlin through the Nazis and new things from today.  The guide was more than excellent--very knowledgeable and entertaining.  After that tour, we visited some other sites that he had pointed out.  Between the guide´s tour and then our own exploration, we didn´t return to the hotel until 8 p.m.

This is coming from a computer in the hotel lobbz and we can´t send pictures.  Berlin is fascinating and we´re glad we chose to visit here.  Plans for tomorrow are uncertain--lots of possibilities.  Weather here was cool in the morning, sunnier and warmer in the afternoon.  Nice to have words without Ys and Zs.

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