Saturday, August 27, 2011

Thursday, Aug 25 - Toured Hitler's favorite place; Lake Konigsee; Eagle's Nest; farm dinner

Lake Konigsee
Flat Stanley found 2 boys that look like ACE on the boat.

Sorry - got this pic on the wrong day.  This ia a view from our evening stroll in Salzberg.

Bob and Stanley look at the view from Eagle's Nest.   Approx a mile high.

Busy busy great day.  We hopped on a bus and returned to Austria (20 min.) to take a boat ride on Lake Konigsee.  It would remind you of a Norwegian fjord.  Very clean drinking quality water; steep sided.  Since it was a very hot and humid (to many people beside Coloradans), it was very crowded.  The lake is in the Bavarian alps and cooler than surrounding places.  After that, we went to see Eagle's Nest, which one of the Nazi bigwigs built and gave to Hitler for his 50th birthday.  However, Adolf was claustrophobic and afraid of heights so he never liked the place.  There is a tunnel entrance, then an elevator (polished brass) up to the top before reaching an altitude of about a mile high.  Gorgeous view from there. We descended and visited the 6 kilometers of bunkers underneath.  Hitler was also paranoid, apparently with good reason since 40 - 50 attempts were made on his life.

Returned to the CG at the farm.  The farmer and wife served us a homemade dinner under the apple trees (roast pork, salads, bread, and more apfel struedel).  A local 6-piece brass band serenaded us.  Some beers were lifted.  (At the Munich beer garden, we found out how heavy a 1 liter glass stein of beer is!!!)  Still hot and humid.

The entrance tunnel to the elevator up to Eagle's Nest.  Both the tunnel and the elevator spooked the claustrophobic Hitler.  He went to Eagle's Nest only a few times.

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