Sunday, August 21, 2011

Zipping along from Berlin to Munich

Several days, no post.  We're back on a European kezboard, so we hope zou're guessing skills are better than our typing.  From Berlin we took the high speed ICE (Inner City Express) train to Munich.  Very quiet, comfortable and smooth and at times 200 km. per hour.  Yesterdaz (Saturdaz) we made our own walking tour of Munich with Rick Steves as our guide.  Went from our hotel near the main train station along a huge pedestrian mall to the citz center where we and millions of other people watched the glockenspiel perform.  Walt Disnez probably got his start here--high tech for centuries ago.  Saw several of the big churches and beer halls.  There were hundreds of people wearing the shirts of their 1 or 2 favorite soccer team and doing some good natured taunting.  Quite a few men wearing lederhosen, lots and lots of people lifting beer steins well before noon.  We walked through the Hofbrauhaus and listened to the ooompah band.  Also passed by the designer shops (with doormen just like Walmart) and Rolls Royce parked out front.  Didn't go in there.
Took the subway back to the hotel and crashed.

Today (sunday) we took a tour of the Dachau concentration camp memorial.  Very impressive in size and in thoughtful commemoration of the horrors that occurred.   KZ Dachau was the first concentration camp established in 1933 only 2 months after A Hitler claimed power.  It became the model for all other camps and was used to train the Gestapo and all camp guards.  It was used by the Nazis from 1933 until it was liberated bz American forces in spring 1945.  It was interesting to learn who was imprisoned and why, and also to learn how conditions inside the prison (and in Germany) deteriorated from the winning war days of 1933 to 1938 to the decling dazs of their war from the late 1930s until final defeat in 1945.
above; the old crematorium at Dachau concentration camnp used in the early days (1933+) when the war was going well for Germany and they only had to cremate 25 or so people a week.

 below: the Hofbrau beer hall in Munich.  Hitler gave his first speech to a big audience here.i

 below: ladies and girls in traditional dirndl dress waiting for their friends on a street corner in Munich

Tonight we are thinking of going to the Augustiner Beer Garden--if our feet agree to cooperate.  I personallz have already had 4 (FOUR) beers!  Coke is more expensive than beer and zou get less of it--not so good if you#re dying of thirst.  And we are since it is hot and sunny and more humid than Denver.

Tomorrow we take the subway to the Munich airport and from there take a hotel shuttle to the hotel where we meet our caravan.  Still trying to think of a waz to send pictures.  Internet cafes don't let zou use zour own computer or plug in flash drives.   Any suggestions?

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